Music and Stories by Frank McKinnon at Robin's Locksmith Services in Roswell, New Mexico (575) 420-8199

Written by
Michael Martin Murphy
Recorded by Frank McKinnon


She comes down from Yellow Mountain on a dark, flat land she rides, on a pony she named Wildfire, with a whirlwind by her side, on a cold Nebraska night.

Oh, they say she died one winter when there came a killing frost, and a pony she named Wildfire busted down his stall. In a blizzard, he was lost. She ran calling Wildfire. She ran calling Wildfire. She ran calling Wildfire.

By the dark of the moon, I planted. But there came an early snow. Been a hoot-owl howling outside my window now for six nights in a row. She's coming for me, I know. And on Wildfire we're both gonna go. We'll be riding Wildfire. We'll be riding Wildfire.

We'll be riding Wildfire. On Wildfire we're gonna ride. We're gonna leave sod busting behind. Get these hard times right on out of our minds. And we'll be riding Wildfire.

MP3 Copy of Studio Recording
May be coming soon

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[MP3 Copy of Studio Recording]

Frank McKinnon:

Lock Lady - Roswell

Robin's Locksmith Services in Roswell, New Mexico