Music and Stories by Frank McKinnon at Robin's Locksmith Services in Roswell, New Mexico (575) 420-8199

These Hands
Written by Don Robey
Recorded by Frank McKinnon


These hands aren't the hands of a gentleman. These hands are calloused and old. These hands raised a family. These hands built a home. Now, these hands raise to praise the Lord. These hands won the heart of my loved one and with hers they are never alone. If these hands fill their task, what more could you ask? These fingers have worked to the bone.

Now, don't try to judge me by what you'd like me be, 'cause my life hasn't been a success. Some people have power but still they grieve, While these hands brought me happiness. Now, I'm tired and I'm old and I haven't much gold. Maybe things ain't been all that I planned. Lord above, hear my plea, when it's time to judge me, take a look at these hard working hands. Take a look at these hard working hands.

MP3 Copy of Studio Recording
May be coming soon

If your computer won't play it on this page, then try the link below.

[MP3 Copy of Studio Recording]

Frank McKinnon:

Lock Lady - Roswell

Robin's Locksmith Services in Roswell, New Mexico