Music and Stories by Frank McKinnon at Robin's Locksmith Services in Roswell, New Mexico (575) 420-8199

Getting Ready to Ride the Rapids
Written and Recorded
by Frank McKinnon


Sometimes I worry about this old boat. And I wonder how much longer it will float. I know I worry more than I should; so much that it has kept me from doing what I think I could.

When the sun came up this morning, I was floating in still water, looking at the rapids a half a mile away. I've been floating here for years where the water is deep and calm, wondering what it would be like to be on the other side.

They say the fish are bigger on the other side. They say that life is sweeter than apple pie. They say that the grass there is lush and green with more grape vines, berry bushes, and fruit bearing trees.

They say the fish are bigger on the other side. They say that life is sweeter than apple pie. They say that the grass there is lush and green with more milk cows, more flowers, and more honey bees.

If I had a dime for everytime I’ve stopped just short of trying to ride those rapids to the other side, I would be a millionaire. There is no denying. But I don’t know for sure if this old boat would make it all the way.

They say the fish are bigger on the other side. They say that life is sweeter than apple pie. They say that the grass there is lush and green with more grape vines, berry bushes, and fruit bearing trees.

They say the fish are bigger on the other side. They say that life is sweeter than apple pie. They say that the grass there is lush and green with more milk cows, more flowers, and more honey bees.

If I had a dime for everytime I’ve stopped just short of trying to ride those rapids to the other side, I would be a millionaire. There is no denying. But I don’t know for sure if this old boat would make it all the way.

When the sun comes up tomorrow, I’ll be fixing this old boat, making sure it is steady with paddle stroke, because I think I might decide to give it a go, and ride those rocky rapids all the way to the other side.

MP3 Copy of Studio Recording
Recorded in 2024

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[MP3 Copy of Studio Recording]

Frank McKinnon:
Bass Guitar

Brought to you by Robin's Locksmith Services in Roswell, New Mexico