Music and Stories by Frank McKinnon at Robin's Locksmith Services in Roswell, New Mexico (575) 420-8199

Crying My Heart
Out Over You
Written by
Carl Butler
Gladys Stacey Flatt
Louise Certain
Marijohn Wilkin
Recorded by Frank McKinnon


Off somewhere the music's playing soft and low. And another holds the one that I love so. I was blind. I could not see that you meant the world to me. But like a fool I stood and watched you go.

Now, I'm crying my heart out over you. Those blue eyes, now, they smile at someone new. Ever since you went away, I die a little more each day, 'cause I'm crying my heart out over you.

Each night I climb the stairs up to my room, it seems I hear you whisper in the gloom. I miss your picture on the wall, and your footsteps in the hall, while I'm crying my heart out over you.

Now, I'm crying my heart out over you. Those blue eyes, now, they smile at someone new. Ever since you went away, I die a little more each day, 'cause I'm crying my heart out over you.

MP3 Copy of Studio Recording
May be coming soon

If your computer won't play it on this page, then try the link below.

[MP3 Copy of Studio Recording]

Frank McKinnon:

Lock Lady - Roswell

Robin's Locksmith Services in Roswell, New Mexico