Music and Stories by Frank McKinnon at Robin's Locksmith Services in Roswell, New Mexico (575) 420-8199

Chevy Van
Written Sammy Johns
Recorded by Frank McKinnon


I gave a girl a ride in my wagon. She crawled in, and took control. She was tired, as her mind was dragin'. I said: "Get some sleep, and dream of Rock and Roll."

Like a picture, she was laying there, moonlight dancin' off her hair. She woke up, and took me by the hand. She's gonna love me in my Chevy van. And that's alright with me.

Her young face was like that of an angel. Her long legs were tanned and brown. You better keep your mind on the road son. You better slow this vehicle down.

Like a picture, she was laying there, moonlight dancin' off her hair. She woke up, and took me by the hand. She's gonna love me in my Chevy van. And that's alright with me.

I let her out in a town that was so small you could throw a rock from end to end. A dirt field main street, she walked in her bare feet. It's a shame I won't be passin' this way again.

Like a picture, she was laying there, moonlight dancin' off her hair. She woke up, and took me by the hand. She's gonna love me in my Chevy van. And that's alright with me.

Like a picture, she was laying there, moonlight dancin' off her hair. She woke up, and took me by the hand. She's gonna love me in my Chevy van. And that's alright with me.

mp3 Copy of Studio Recording,
Recorded in 2022

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[mp3 Copy of Studio Recording]

Frank McKinnon:
Bass Guitar

Lock Lady - Roswell

Robin's Locksmith Services in Roswell, New Mexico